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border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } .index-application .hd a.p-more div, .index-application .hd a.p-back div, .index-application .hd .news-nav a div, .news-nav .index-application .hd a div { border-color: #fff; } .index-application .hd a.p-more:before, .index-application .hd a.p-back:before, .index-application .hd .news-nav a:before, .news-nav .index-application .hd a:before { background: #fff; } .index-application .hd a.p-more:after, .index-application .hd a.p-back:after, .index-application .hd .news-nav a:after, .news-nav .index-application .hd a:after { background-image: url("../image/arrow24on.png"); } .index-application .hd a.p-more:hover, .index-application .hd a.p-back:hover, .index-application .hd .news-nav a:hover, .news-nav .index-application .hd a:hover { color: #01478B; } .index-application .hd a.p-more:hover:after, .index-application .hd a.p-back:hover:after, .index-application .hd .news-nav a:hover:after, .news-nav .index-application .hd a:hover:after { background-image: url("../image/arrow24.png"); 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border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } .product .list a:hover .p-more:before, .product .list a:hover a.p-back:before, .product .list a:hover .news-nav a:before, .news-nav .product .list a:hover a:before { opacity: .5; } .product .list a:hover .p-more:after, .product .list a:hover a.p-back:after, .product .list a:hover .news-nav a:after, .news-nav .product .list a:hover a:after { background-image: url("../image/arrow24on.png"); } .product .list a:hover .p-more div, .product .list a:hover a.p-back div, .product .list a:hover .news-nav a div, .news-nav .product .list a:hover a div { border-color: #fff; } .product .list .msg { height: 6.3rem; } .product .list .msg img { width: 3.35rem; } .product-show-1 { padding-bottom: 1.2rem; } .product-show-1 .hd { padding: 1.2rem 0 .36rem 0; border-bottom: rgba(41, 66, 102, 0.15) solid 1px; width: 100%; margin-bottom: .6rem; } .product-show-1 .hd h3 { font-size: .42rem; color: #1F2933; } .product-show-1 .hd h3 sup { font-size: .3rem; } .product-show-1 .imgs { position: relative; 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height: .72rem; line-height: .72rem; font-size: .18rem; color: #01478B; padding-left: .7rem; } .contact-form .form li .input textarea, .down-form-layer .form li .input textarea { height: 2.4rem; line-height: .32rem; padding: .2rem .2rem .2rem .7rem; } .contact-form .form li.li_01 .ico, .down-form-layer .form li.li_01 .ico { transform: translateY(0); top: .24rem; } .contact-form .form li.on .p-lines2, .down-form-layer .form li.on .p-lines2 { opacity: 1; background: #e5ecf3; } .down-form-layer .container .title, .down-ok-layer .container .title { text-align: center; padding: .8rem 0 .5rem 0; } .down-form-layer .container .title h3, .down-ok-layer .container .title h3 { font-size: .36rem; line-height: 1em; color: #292E33; padding-bottom: .18rem; } .down-form-layer .container .title p, .down-ok-layer .container .title p { font-size: .18rem; color: #8A9199; line-height: 1em; } .down-form-layer .container { padding: 0 1rem; } .down-form-layer .container .msg { text-align: center; font-size: .16rem; 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